class ARCond module OPERATION EQUAL = '=' NOT_EQUAL = '<>' IN = 'IN' GREATER = '>' GREATER_OR_EQUAL = '>=' LESS = '< ' LESS_OR_EQUAL = '<=' end attr_reader :conditions, :parameters, :separator, :table_name def initialize(separator="AND", table_name=nil) @conditions = [] @parameters = [] @separator = separator @table_name = table_name end # column = ? def equal(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::EQUAL, table) end # column <> ? def not_equal(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::NOT_EQUAL, table) end # column IN (?,?,?...) def in(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::IN, table) end # column > ? def greater(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::GREATER, table) end # column >= ? def greater_or_equal(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, table) end # column < ? def less(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::LESS, table) end # column <= ? def less_or_equal(column, value, table=nil) add(column, value, OPERATION::LESS_OR_EQUAL, table) end def << (other) cond = nil param = [] if other.kind_of? ARCond c = other.build cond = c.delete_at(0) param = c elsif other.kind_of? String cond = other elsif other.kind_of? Array cond = other.delete_at(0) param = other end unless cond.blank? @conditions << cond @parameters.concat(param) end return self.build end # [conditions, param, param, param,...] def build [join_conditions].concat(@parameters) end private def join_conditions sep = " #{@separator} " "(#{@conditions.join(sep)})" end def column_fullname(column, table=nil) unless column =~ /^[\w]+\.[\w]+$/ if table_name = table.blank? ? @table_name : table return "#{table_name}.#{column}" end end column end def add(column, value, operation, table=nil) parts = [column_fullname(column, table), operation] param = [value].flatten parts <<1", true, nil, 31, 32, 33] # 連結文字を変更する c2 = ARCond.new("OR") # 指定した連結文字で結合されていく c2.greater("col4", 100) # => ["(col4 > ?)", 100] c2.less("col4", 200) # => ["(col4 > ? OR col4 < ?)", 100, 200] # 配列みたいに追加していく c1 << c2 # => ["(col1 = ? AND col2 <> ? AND col3 IN (?,?,?) AND (col4 > ? OR col4 < ?))", true, nil, 31, 32, 33, 100, 200] # 引数なしはANDで連結 c3 = ARCond.new() # いつもどおりの配列の conditions もくっつけれる c3 << ["col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?)", 11,22,33] # => ["(col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?))", 11, 22, 33] # 任意文字列もくっつけれる c3 < < "col7 > col8" # => ["(col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?) AND col7 > col8)", 11, 22, 33] # テーブル名を指定する c4 = ARCond.new("OR", "sample") # カラム名の頭にテーブル名が付与される c4.greater_or_equal("col9", 300) # => ["(sample.col9 >= ?)", 300] c4.less_or_equal("col9", 400) # => ["(sample.col9 >= ? OR sample.col9 < = ?)", 300, 400] # くっつけるときにテーブル名を指定する c4.equal("col10", false, "banana") # => ["(sample.col9 >= ? OR sample.col9 < = ? OR banana.col10 = ?)", 300, 400, false] c3 << c4 # => ["(col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?) AND col7 > col8 AND (sample.col9 >= ? OR sample.col9 < = ? OR banana.col10 = ?))", 11, 22, 33, 300, 400, false] c1 << c3 # => ["(col1 = ? AND col2 <> ? AND col3 IN (?,?,?) AND (col4 > ? OR col4 < ?) AND (col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?) AND col7 > col8 AND (sample.col9 >= ? OR sample.col9 < = ? OR banana.col10 = ?)))", true, nil, 31, 32, 33, 100, 200, 11, 22, 33, 300, 400, false] # 最終的に使いたいタイミングで build してあげたらよい c1.build # => ["(col1 = ? AND col2 <> ? AND col3 IN (?,?,?) AND (col4 > ? OR col4 < ?) AND (col5 = ? AND col6 IN (?,?) AND col7 > col8 AND (sample.col9 >= ? OR sample.col9 < = ? OR banana.col10 = ?)))", true, nil, 31, 32, 33, 100, 200, 11, 22, 33, 300, 400, false]
以上、morimoto でした。
- operation == OPERATION::IN) ? "(#{param.map{'?'}.join(',')})" : "?")
self < < [parts.join(' ')].concat(param)
# 基本スタイル c1 = ARCond.new("AND") c1.equal("col1", true) # => ["(col1 = ?)", true] c1.not_equal("col2", nil) # => ["(col1 = ? AND col2 <> ?)", true, nil] c1.in("col3", [31,32,33]) # => ["(col1 = ? AND col2 <> ? AND col3 IN (?,?,? [↩]